Streaming Video

BHC Church Services

Christmas in July
July 21, 2024

Pastor Brent Gabbard primes us for the upcoming Kidz Krusade with a message of Christmas.

The Cross Pull
July 18, 2024

Pastor Brent Gabbard continues his "Apostolic Affirmations" series of sermons with a challenging message about standing strong in the middle of the pull.

Youth Camp 2024 Testimonies
July 14, 2024

Our Youth Group comes back from Bluegrass Pentecostal Youth Camp changed, rejuvenated, and on fire for God.

After the Anointing
July 14, 2024

Pastor Brent Gabbard gives us great instruction for how to react after a great move of God in our lives.

It's All About Him
July 11, 2024

Pastor Brent Gabbard reminds us that it's not about us – it's all about HIM!

The Making of a Minister
July 7, 2024

Pastor Brent Gabbard reminds us that the Word must be preached through us, and charges us to be ministers for Christ.

Audio Clips

Listen in!

Take a listen to some snippets of our services at BHC. These recordings have not been professionally mixed and are very raw, but we enjoy getting to go back and remind ourselves of what God is doing for our church. We would love for you to be a part!