Bro. Chad Everett opens up the first service of 2025 with a message of thanksgiving in trying times, worshipping effectively, and taking time to praise Him.
Bro. Noah Futral points us to Christ on Calvary and asks us to consider our love for Him.
Pastor Gabbard reminds us that when we lose sight of the star, we should keep looking for the promises of the Savior. The times may have changed, but the tidings have not.
Bro. Justus McDaniel preaches about the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Pastor Brent Gabbard preaches about the power given us with the name of Jesus and what our reciprocation should be.
Pastor Brent Gabbard guides us through the examples of Mary's worship in Luke's account of the Christmas story.
Take a listen to some snippets of our services at BHC. These recordings have not been professionally mixed and are very raw, but we enjoy getting to go back and remind ourselves of what God is doing for our church. We would love for you to be a part!